

Animal husbandry has been playing a pivotal role in the life of farmers in the rural parts,who predominantly depend on agriculture as their main occupation. It is providing them a continuous supporting income generating activity. Especially to marginal and small farmers. Even the agricultural labors have been benefited by this activity. Hence veterinary Service occupies an important role in helping the rural farmers in generating additional income. Animal care services, Artificial insemination programs, breeding of good animals by artificial insemination using local breed animals are the basic services that are provided through animal husbandry services. Further procurement milk through milk societies, creation of milk routes and cattle breeding farms are the other supportive services that are being offered. Encouragement is also given to rear Giriraja birds and poultry farming.

The district has 159 Veterinary service centres ( Hospitals/Institutions) . The population of different animals are as follows


The population of different animals are as follows
Sl No Animals Numbers of Animals
1 Cows 577063
2 Mixed Breed Cows 33628
3 Buffaloes 194004
4 Sheep 13905
5 Goats 58759
6 Pigs 1366
7 Poultry 569479

Departmental Programmes :

Cattle Health management

The Officers and the Staff of the department in the district are actively participating in the various departmental activities including
treatment of animals and preventive mass vaccination programmes.

Mobile Veterinary Clinic :-

There are seven mobile veterinary clinics running in the district with five
veterinary officers, driver and D group working in it.

Infertility Cattle Camps and free checkup centers :

A village is selected in each Gram Panchayat of the district and infertility camps were conducted. Latest information about cattle farming was provided to the farmers & group discussion were held in these camps. In all 40 cattle health checkup camps, Infertility Camps were conducted in the district during 2004-05.

Rinderpest Eradication Scheme:

Under ( RPES ) this scheme one Assistant Director & one driver is working with the sole aim of preventing and eradicating rinderpest disease. The R.P. vaccination is 100% complete in the district with no reports of R.P.outbreaks. One day R.P. eradication training programme was conducted in each taluk of the district during 2004-05 and the Farmers and Members of Sthree Shakthi Sanga were educated on the disease.

Poultry Development :

Poultry extension centre is working under the control of Shimoga Veternary Hospital has been given the target of rearing 3000 Giriraja chicks during

For Further Details Contact :

Deputy Director,

Animal Husbandary & Veternary Services,


Shimoga 577 201

Animal Health checkup
Animal Health Checkup Camp