
District Disaster Management Authority

            The Centre for Disaster Management has been established at ATI Mysore in the year 2000-01 under the guidance of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The Centre is funded by the Ministry of Home Affairs GoI, National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi and Government of Karnataka. The centre shares the infrastructure facilities of ATI Mysore. The centre aims at fulfilling training needs of functionaries in the Government Departments, Non-Government Organizations, Elected Representatives and the community for effective management of natural and manmade disasters in the state. The centre is headed by the Director General of ATI Mysore, a senior IAS Officer of the rank of Principal Secretary to the Government and core faculty of the CDM (Center for Disaster Management). The Faculty are the experienced professionals in the disciplines of Geology, Environmental Science, Civil Engg./Stuctural Engg/Housing/Infrastructure etc. The Guest resource persons comprising senior Administrators in the Government, Disaster managers from Private/Non-Government Organizations and various other agencies have been constantly used in the training activities of the centre.


The Centre for Disaster Management aims at building the capacities of the functionaries working in the Government, Local Bodies and Non-Government organizations who are responsible for the management of the Natural and Manmade disaster in the state.


  • To conduct training programmes and workshops on various issues of disaster management
  • To undertake case studies, action research and documentation on disaster management
  • To support the district administrations to formulate district disaster management plans
  • To organise mock drills on disaster management in co-ordination with concerned departments
  • To prepare and disseminate the information, education and communication materials on disaster management
  • To bring awareness among the community through different media such as TV/ Radio/News paper etc.